Conference: Legitimate Delegation of Regulatory and Enforcement Powers to EU Agencies

On May 16th, 2014, RENFORCE (Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe, Utrecht University) will organize a conference entitled ‘Legitimate Delegation of Regulatory and Enforcement Powers to EU Agencies‘. At this conference, the question of democratic legitimacy of the ongoing agencification in the EU will be addressed in light of the recent CJEU judgement (Case…

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European Courts Blog / nieuwsbrief Rechtspraak Europa

European Courts is een juridisch weblog over de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie van de EU en het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Het blog is gericht op rechters, academici en praktijkjuristen en is bedoeld als een platform voor de uitwisseling van kennis, ervaring en ideeën met betrekking tot de rechtspraak…

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Call for applications: ‘The viability of the democratic Rechtsstaat in an era of diffuse and fragmented administrative governance’

PhD masterclass with Professor Peter L. Lindseth, University of Connecticut, KNAW Visiting Professor at Tilburg Law School The Department of Public Law, Jurisprudence and Legal History at Tilburg Law School would like to invite (prospective) PhD students from Dutch universities working in the field of (the history of) public law to submit applications to participate…

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