We brengen graag onderstaand online discussiepanel van de American Bar Association onder uw aandacht. Vanuit het Nederlandse publiekrecht zal professor Anne Meuwese deelnemen aan het debat. Deelname is gratis, maar registratie is verplicht (deadline: 29 september). Registreren kan via deze link. Zie voor alle info de volledige uitnodiging (link).
COVID-19 and Comparative Administrative Law: Assessing National Responses to the Pandemic
Friday October 2, 2020 12 pm – 1:30 pm Eastern Time Via Zoom
(Nederlandse tijd: 18.00u-19.30u)
The global coronavirus pandemic has prompted a reconfiguration in governmental power in countries around the world. This international panel will bring together administrative law experts from multiple countries to discuss the implications of the COVID-19 crisis for administrative law in comparative perspective, and with a special view to drawing lessons for the United States in its own regulatory response. What changes in administrative powers have countries put in place in response to the pandemic? How have they ensured that emergency powers authorized in response to the pandemic receive adequate oversight? What best practices can be gleaned, from a comparative perspective, in how the administrative arm of government should respond in the face of a public health crisis? These are just a few of the questions and issues that this panel will address with reference to administrative changes in North America, Europe, Asia, and South America.
Richard Parker, Professor of Law, Policy Director, Center for Energy and Environmental Law, University of Connecticut
Cristie L. Ford, Professor of Law, Associate Dean for Research and the Legal Profession, University of British Columbia
Neysun A. Mahboubi, Research Scholar, Center for the Study of Contemporary China, University of Pennsylvania
Anne Meuwese, Professor of Law, Tilburg University Bruno Cunha, Brazilian Research Affiliate, Penn Program on Regulation, University of Pennsylvania
Moderator: Cary Coglianese, Edward B. Shils Professor of Law, Director of the Penn Program on Regulation, University of Pennsylvania